Gutshot by Peter Jordan Just out of range is the white bull buffalo. He has seen this animal before, in dreams. Cradling his rifle he crawls on his belly through the sweet grass. With this same rifle he learned to…
BackStory: Five Questions with Christina Dalcher
BackStory: Five Questions with Christina Dalcher Author of Tilda Always Did Love Her Flowers What inspired you to write Tilda Always Did Love Her Flowers? I’d read a story a few years back about photographers setting up a shot for…
Tilda Always Did Love Her Flowers
Tilda Always Did Love Her Flowers by Christina Dalcher Tilda emerged an awkward little thing, a toad of an infant with the poise of a plough horse. She had a flattened nose, two fish-bowl eyes, and nine fingers, which made…
Seeking Historical Flash Fiction….
FlashBack Fiction is officially open for submissions! We are looking for flash fiction, prose poetry and hybrid works of up to 500 words that engage with the historical in some way. We are open to everything from traditional storytelling to all…
Coming soon….
FlashBack Fiction will be opening for submissions soon…stay tuned!