Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me

Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me
by Donna L Greenwood

In her silent world, she is industrious; head bowed, even whilst she is looking at the stars. Edward’s large head looms like fat, round cheese whilst he watches her; ready to whisk away her ideas as soon as they are born. She can classify two hundred stars an hour, three stars a minute. Students memorise her classifications – O, B, A, F, G, K, M – with a mnemonic. She measures luminosity but can’t see that it is she who shines. She abbreviates intensity to Int. She is one of Pickering’s women and, over time, she too will be abbreviated.

Donna L Greenwood lives in Lancashire, England. She writes flash fiction, short stories and poetry whilst attempting to teach teenagers about fronted adverbials. She has recently won several writing competitions including Horror Scribes ‘Trapped Flash’, Molotov Cocktail’s ‘Flash Legends’ and the 2019 STORGY flash fiction competition. Her story ‘The Big Striptease’, published by ‘Splonk’ magazine, was included in 2019 BIFFY50.

Image of main sequence star classifications courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.